Lies, Damned Lies and Correlations
The carrot that alternative investment strategies often dangle in front of investors is the prospect of uncorrelated returns.
The carrot that alternative investment strategies often dangle in front of investors is the prospect of uncorrelated returns.
Conventional portfolio construction assumes that governments bonds will diversify equity risk. The theory is that when equities fall, bond yields decline, resulting in capital gains on bonds that help offset equity losses. The problem is that it’s not working that way in practice.
Ardea IM discuss some key considerations for retiree portfolios and why actively managed fixed income is a compelling alternative that can complement traditional retirement income sources.
The large and liquid universe of global interest rate options offers an impressive set of tools from which volatility strategies can be constructed. This article discusses how volatility strategies are reliable risk diversifiers.
We discuss which chart we are watching closely and what it means to us and investors.
Watch this Livewire video to learn more about the Real Outcome Fund and the team’s investment process.
Recent volatility in Japanese government bonds (JGB) highlights the fact that government bonds aren’t so ‘safe’ when yields are very low.
Tamar Hamlyn discusses the current environment of tightening global liquidity and increasing government bond supply, which is having a knock-on effect on domestic liquidity.
Credit spreads over government bonds should compensate investors not just for default risk but also for other risks such as illiquidity. Gopi Karunakaran discusses how corporate bond markets are currently not providing sufficient compensation for growing illiquidity risk.
This time last year Tamar Hamlyn shared with Livewire that inflation and volatility charts were the ones he was watching closely. Tamar now shares his thoughts of what to expect from here and what investors can do about it.