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Markets Wake Up To Inflation Risk

Inflationary pressures have been building globally and particularly in the US. The rise in breakeven inflation rates over the past two months shows that markets have begun to price this in.


Psychologist Daniel Kahneman Kahneman, together with his late colleague Amos Tversky, explored the many cognitive biases that impair human decision making, particularly in relation to uncertain events, and coined the acronym WYSIATI – What You See Is All There Is.

The FED Goes From QE To QT

The FED has announced its much anticipated plan to start gradually shrinking its balance sheet.

Volatility pricing … is the rock really so steady

The expression ‘steady as a rock’ is associated with stability, steadfastness and reliability. The kinds of characteristics that fund managers like to co-opt into their firm names. In financial markets uncertainty is always present; it’s just the degree of it that varies.